Thursday, April 29, 2010

A beautiful day...

Ingrid now has a

a guest for meals.

Spirit loves sharing

the bowl with her.

And there is no way

that he is pushed aside...

A nice day to

check out the

spring flowers..

The best place
for a nap...?
On Mom's warm

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ingrid at her best..enjoy !

This blanket seemed

like the perfect

backdrop to go

with her baby blue


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Future soccer star..

I decided to roll an old dog toy

to Ingrid today. She ran right for

it, rolled over the top and than

came back to roll it around with her


There were times though, when the

ball ended up underneath her instead

of out front....

Ingrid and Montana

As you can see Indy enjoys going

into the puppy area to play with


The sleep of the innocent...


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ingrid's play room is coming along...!

Bliss moved into her play room on Friday.
We have the hanging tote in the room, but
I don't think she will use it. The round bed,
and the wooden framed bed are her favorite
places. The tote worked better when the litter was
larger. All the pups would crawl in , and it
would swing them to sleep.

She still goes back into the whelping room
at night, but soon she will be crated during the night.

How hard it is

for Ingrid to give

in and go to

sleep. I missed
capturing the

but you can

see the progression

of a pup sleeping

sitting up,
and then

finally ending

up sleeping on

the carpet.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ingrid (Bliss), Indy and Spirit ( Micro)

Indy is Ingrid's (Bliss's)

half sister, and is almost

two years old. She has been

the most patient teacher with

Ingrid. Although, I can't say

the same for Ingrid and her

sharks teeth. They have so

much fun playing together.

Here is Ingrid checking

Indy's teeth to make

sure that she flossed


She loves her toys..!

Two days ago she started

wagging her tail when

she hears our voices.

All these wonderful

stages that they go

through. What a gift to

watch it all..

Although Ingrid has

pretty much decided

that the whelphing
box is just for
babies...She does

occasionally sleep
in it with

Spirit (Micro).

He is walking
now and such

a sweetie....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bliss's outside adventure

Today was Bliss's first

adventure outside. She

is one very confident little

girl. She sniffed and sniffed.

All those new wonderful smells

to discover.

Here is Bliss with half sister

Indy on left and Mom, Leeya,

on right.

Leeya and Bliss

Bliss had a ball...!

But after all that fresh

air ,,, nap time.. !

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bliss is interacting

with her toys more

every day. She is

full of energy and loves

to play. To Leeya's

dismay, her dangling

ears seem to be

a focus for Bliss's
sharp teeth.

Leeya is such a

very patient Mom.

Time for Leeya to
clean her baby up..!

..then time for a nap..

Anybody want to Play...?
NO ...then I 'll play by

Bliss loves her time
with Grampa...

Bliss and Micro love
napping together.. touching
is nice..!

Bliss weighed in today
at 7 lbs4 oz
Micro...15.7 oz...we have
we have almost getten
to a whole pound !!!